Sunday, October 4, 2009

Father of Modern Computer - Charles Babbage

Father of Modern Computer - Charles Babbage

In our daily life, whenever we think of any complicated calculation or storing important data, we think of computers. Computers have become close friends to us. Even we cannot think of some services without computers. Such as - Banking, Trading, Reservation etc.

Many years ago in 1800 centuries, there was birth of this divine system. Though there were huge differences in look & feel and as well as in functionality with the modern ones, but still that was the beginning of computer era.

When we are talking about modern computers, we must mention a name - Charles Babbage. He is considered as the "Father of Modern Computer" for his invention of "Difference Engine" and "Analytical Engine". By birth, he was British. He was born in London on 26th December 1791.

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